The Great Communicator Blog

How to Rock Your Virtual Meetings-15 Tips to Being the Superstar
Let me ask you this: How many times has someone been speaking in a meeting, especially a virtual one, and you just tuned out? Probably

This 5 minute Trick from the Navy Seals Will Make You an Incredible Presenter
I’ve just learned that my relaxation techniques are also used by Navy SEALs to remain calm & focused! I feel validated! If the Navy SEALs

3 Unbelievably Easy Steps to Sounding Smart
Coming across as intelligent is one of our main goals every time we open our mouths to speak. When we’re in a meeting or job

How to Sound Like Morgan Freeman–In 4 Steps
“I learned in school that most people speak in a higher register than normal because of tension. So the trick is to relieve the tension.”

Online Speech Training Makes You Clear & Persuasive
Yes, we’re working from home suddenly. Well, actually I’ve been working from home for quite a while mostly. It’s not so bad if you like

Being a Great Communicator can be Rocket Science and It’s Okay
It’s crazy how many people think they’re unique when it comes to their communication skills. Granted, each individual is unique in millions of ways. But

No One Was Born a Perfect Communicator
No one. Not nobody. Everyone you know who’s an incredible communicator has worked on it. Anyone who you come across who’s an impressive public speaker

How to Slow Down Your Speech
Do you speak a mile a minute? Do people tell you you talk too fast? Are people advising you to slow down your speech? Do

How to Stop UpSpeak
Upspeak or uptalk (2 terms for the same thing) are getting lots of press lately. Some people are being “criticized” for using it. Some people