Empowering & Life-Changing Courses.
These courses make you highly influential in high-stakes situations.

Online Video Courses

The Voice Spa
The Voice Spa will teach you to speak with your natural voice, free of strain and stress that weakens your voice and throat. Our students cannot believe the effects of their new voice.

The Perfect Accent
Learn to speak with a crystal clear Standard American accent. People will immediately understand how smart you are, when you’re being funny, and when you are making a serious point. You can do this in just weeks with a little effort.

The Executive Communicator
Speak confidently and with authority, even under the most stressful professional situations — from interviews to performance evaluations. With practice pressure situations become opportunities to shine.

How to Eliminate Upspeak Practice Exercises
Practice how to stop using upspeak. This video will give you practice sentences that you can follow along with and repeat. You'll gain the muscle memory of using downspeak, which is the intonation pattern you need to use if you want to be persuasive.

How to be Relaxed in High-Stakes Situations
To be effective during anxiety-ridden, high-stakes situations, you need to be completely relaxed. Only when you're perfectly relaxed can you access your pre-frontal cortex during stressful moments.
Practice these exercises for 6 minutes twice per day. You'll be ...
One-on-One Courses
We custom-design programs to make you a crystal clear & highly influential communicator.

What our students have to say