The Great Communicator Blog

How to Reduce Your Stress in 4 Steps
Stress levels have been skyrocketing recently–to an exponential degree. Look back to 20 years ago. We thought we had stress then! The stress isn’t healthy

How to Express Yourself Better in 7 Steps
Do you have ideas you’re trying to convey to others, and you just can’t seem to express yourself? Do you ever feel like you can’t

How to Articulate Your Thoughts Into Words
Why do the words not come out as they sound in my head? “I had it all figured out in my head. I knew exactly

How to Improve Your Speech
People get furious at themselves when they don’t speak well in a meeting! Or if they don’t get their message across perfectly. People actually think

How to Get Your Message Across Effectively
Do you have ideas you attempt to convey that don’t come out the way you need them to? You’re in a meeting, you have something
Oxford Comma–Pt. Deux
The first part of this article addresses the fact that over-articulation, 5 dollar words & choppy speech doesn’t make you sound smart. I got a bit

How to Be an Excellent Communicator
Did you know that they used to teach children communication skills up until about 200 years ago? Yup. It was a priority. Children learned to

How to Speak Clearly in 7 Easy Steps
It’s more complicated than you may think to speak clearly in all situations. So don’t be hard on yourself if you’re not always communicating well.

Why You Need a Communication Skills Coach
Do you ever find yourself with good (or even brilliant!) ideas that you want to share, but when you try to articulate them, your message