The Great Communicator Blog

How to Be a Great Conversationalist-Even if You’re Shy
How do great conversationalists do it? How do they know how to connect with people and make them feel good? How do they diffuse difficult

How to Speak with an American Accent
Everything you’ve learned about speaking with an American accent is likely wrong. American speech is about rhythm & pronunciation, not about over-articulation.

How to Be Yourself
So you have a presentation coming up and you’re feeling a bit nervous. Or you have a job interview and you’re really wanting this job.

How to Speak with Authority-7 Steps to Being Authoritative
Speaking with authority is necessary when you’re in your wheelhouse, both in your role at work and in your personal life. When you communicate your

How to Report to the CEO Like a Genius
There are some silver-tongued people out there. They can speak clearly and persuasively to anyone. They are clear & concise, even when speaking to their

How to Deliver Bad News–10 Steps to Being the Hero
Delivering bad news can be quite challenging because we don’t want to hurt people, and we can be fearful of an explosive reaction. That fear

How to Speak Up in Meetings–9 Systematic Steps
It’s happened to you, hasn’t it? You’re in a meeting, with brilliant ideas floating around your mind, and they don’t come out. Maybe you didn’t

How to Be More Concise When Speaking-5 Actionable Steps
Have you ever listened to someone speak and have no clue what they’re trying to say? Worse, have you ever tried to tell your colleague

How Do I Stop Talking So Fast And Other Bad Speaking Habits
So you find yourself talking too fast sometimes, huh? Here’s the good news: You’re not alone. Most people speak too fast, at least sometimes in