Stress levels have been skyrocketing recently–to an exponential degree. Look back to 20 years ago. We thought we had stress then!
The stress isn’t healthy for us, mentally or physically.
What are the current solutions for stress? Well, you can get a massage, but that relief doesn’t last long. We can take prescription or non-prescription medication; some people use yoga or meditation. All of these are external
And the common theme for these solutions is that they are subcontracted out. We’re relying on external factors to relieve our stress.
What if I told you that you have the ability to remove your stress? Permanently.
Not only can you reduce your stress, but you must do it.
It’s negatively impacting your life in nearly every way.
I’m not saying to ignore the problems in your life. I’m telling you that you can deal with them better when you learn to eliminate the impact that they have on your body and your mind.
How to Reduce Your Stress in 4 Steps
Here’s how to significantly reduce or eliminate stress from your body, mine & life:
- Do relaxation exercises paired with breathing to make relaxation a habit.
- Use abdominal breathing for increasing increments of time until it becomes a learned behavior.
- Listen to your brain talking to you and note when it’s saying “mean” things.
- Using air for speech, practice your strong statements.
Let’s go over these steps in more detail.
Okay, this isn’t an overnight cure, but you will notice the stress reduction as the days and weeks go by.
The ability to reduce your stress and worry so you can effectively deal with your life and obtain optimal success is beyond worth the few months it takes to get there.
Habitual Relaxation--It's a Thing.
Let’s go over step number 1.
Not only does subcontracting your relaxation (with massage, yoga, drugs, etc.) not work effectively but what little it does help is temporary. You’d have to have your masseuse with you at every meeting or conversation!
Instead, train yourself to relax from the inside every time you breathe.
If you want me to do this with you get into my calendar and we’ll make it happen.
All you have to do is tense up a group of muscles (like your face, mouth, throat, shoulders, etc.) at the same moment you breathe in. Then, let go of that tension as you breathe out. You’ll want to do this 3 times per day for 3-5 weeks.
Why does this crazy technique work? Because it takes advantage of our learning process. When you pair 2 stimuli together, one which evokes a response and one that you do all the time anyway, the response to that stimulus becomes a habit.
Alternatively just click The Voice Spa, an online video course that trains you to be relaxed, use abdominal breathing, and use air for speech. It also teaches you to be concise, sound authoritative & credible.
You just have to promise yourself you’ll do the homework. 🙂

9 Secret Steps to Influencing Others
Want to be more influential? We all want to communicate our most important messages in a way that encourages others to take action. Whether that action is voting for our candidate or picking up milk from the store, the words we use and how we speak play a huge role in getting the job done.
2nd Step to Reducing Stress
Children use abdominal breathing until they’re about 12 years old. (You did, too.) Then, they start using upper-body breathing. We use vertical or shallow breathing for the rest of our lives unless we learn abdominal breathing. This is unfortunate for many reasons.
One reason is that we’re never as good at anything we do as when using abdominal breathing. Try it: Use abdominal breathing next time you exercise or stand in front of an audience. You’ll see you run faster and farther, and you’ll connect better with your audience
The other reason is that vertical breathing keep us in fight-or-flight, so we’re always stressed!

Clear your mind of negative thinking
First, assess your thoughts. Do you find yourself putting yourself down, saying things to yourself you’d never say to anyone else?
Just sit and listen to those negative thoughts. Write them down. Then write down the opposite positive statement and practice saying it.
Now that you’ve assessed them, you can be aware of them as they happen. When they do practice their positive opposites. When you do that for a few weeks the positive statement will become your new normal.
Don't shy away from investing in a speaker coach.
Now, you can either bootstrap your way there or fast-track your success by hiring a coach. Whichever path you choose, just make sure you get there!
Don’t shy away from investing in a speaker coach. Think about it: You’ve likely spent tens, if not hundreds, of thousands on college and grad school. You’re probably shelling out hundreds every month for music lessons, gym memberships, personal training, or nights out with friends. Yet, you’re hesitant to invest in the one skill that can multiply your earnings? The skill that could land you that dream job, secure a promotion, or close that big deal?
If you’re already successfully bootstrapping your communication skills, that’s fantastic! But if you’re struggling to improve on your own, know that you’re not alone. The majority of people find it tough to master this skill solo. Don’t be part of that majority—take action and invest in the one thing that can truly transform your future.

Practice your strong stress-free statements.
Using air for speech, practice your strong statements.
Your voice needs to ride on the air you breathe out. That keeps you completely relaxed and gives you and authoritative and credible tone of voice. It’s like a gorgeous cycle of stress-free/completely relaxed.
Here’s how you do it:
Take a breath in and let your voice take a ride on the air. Say, ” Hi.” a few times. Record yourself because it’ll sound super weird in your head but when you listen back you’ll sound incredible.
Then try the statements that are opposite to what you’ve been saying to yourself all along. So instead of saying “this is terrible, this isn’t going to work” just practice “I’m going to crush this! I am incredible!”
I’ve been living like stressed out is my normal state! Thank you for this relaxing content 🙂