how to stop losing your voice

How to Stop Losing Your Voice

Often lose your voice? And always at the wrong moment, right? Suddenly it’s a bit hoarse and then becomes crackly, and then you lose your voice completely.

Or maybe it’s a constant struggle for you. You do a lot of speaking, and your voice has become much more challenging for you to get out & for people to hear.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

How to Sound Smart

Losing your voice is painful.

And not just physically. It causes frustration and fatigue. You can lose your motivation. And you can certainly lose business and damage relationships.

I imagine you’re a bit frustrated with the advice out there. You’ve tried it all–humidifiers, stay hydrated, take a hot shower, take a cold shower, suck on a lozenge–all to no avail.

Because as much as these all may be good things (except for the lozenge!), they don’t work.

And the “resting your voice” advice? What the heck? Thanks for that.

How to Make Your Speaking Voice Sound Sound Better

Why am I losing my voice?

But none of this advice addresses why it’s happening in the first place. 

You are probably using your voice and throat wrong when you vocalize. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news. You are most likely using a lot of tension in your throat when you speak. This tension causes inflammation and irritation in your vocal mechanism.

But I come with great tidings! I can show you how to stop using tension as you vocalize and use a relaxed, open voice that ends up sounding gorgeous. And you won’t lose your voice anymore!

How to Improve Your Speaking Skills

How to stop losing your voice.

7 Steps to stop losing your voice. 

  • Relax your vocal mechanism.
  • Use abdominal breathing-not vertical breathing.
  • Remember your voice, as is all sound, is air molecules vibrating.
  • Let your vocalizations take a ride on your exhale.
  • Don’t force your speech out.
  • Stop throat clearing
  • Pause so you can inhale for your following phrase or sentence.

We’ll go into more detail below.

Relax your vocal mechanism.

Your tongue is up too high in the back, causing much tension in your larynx and throat. One easy trick is to bring the back of your tongue down. You can practice pushing your tongue down with your finger or a spoon, but you’ll want to make “keeping your tongue down” a habit.

The easiest way is to take individual classes with me or take The Voice Spa video program.

Hi Ita –

I made it through my Bloomberg interview yesterday, and I did well. 

The perfect teacher shows up in life when I’m ready for it, and that teacher sure was you. 

I was in total freak-out mode when I signed up for the Voice Spa. Not only is the Bloomberg Radio show live (yikes!), but it has 25.5 million listeners (double yikes!) 

I’ve tried a number of public speaking courses over the years and even hypnosis. Your Voice Spa has been by far the most helpful thing I’ve come across. 

I found it so helpful that the Voice Spa starts with relaxing and belly breathing. Those first few days, I did a lot of belly breathing. I was so nervous I was practically bouncing off the walls. Most relaxation programs have you doing meditation or counting breaths. There is no way I could have done those things – I was too agitated. But I could belly breathe -and it always calmed me down. Talking in phrases was also hugely helpful – it’s a great way to slow down without sounding mechanical. 

 Thank you for what you do. The Voice Spa is so well thought out. You saved my sanity. 

-Betsy Clark, Ph.D

 The Voice Spa online video course will change your life!

Use abdominal breathing and air for speech.

Everywhere out there, “experts” say that your vocal cords make your voice. That’s not true. Not all of your sounds even use your vocal cords. Sound (as well as speech) is air molecules vibrating. Think of a trumpet or a saxophone.

The air creates soundwaves that travel through the air and end up at your eardrums, which take that “beat” and eventually process it into meaningful language. It’s a miracle of nature.

So you spent your entire life thinking your vocal cords were doing all the heavy lifting, and you push with your throat as you’re talking.

But to improve the sound of your voice and stop losing your voice, you must use abdominal breathing for speech.

How to Speak Clearly in 7 Easy Steps

Stop getting laryngitis.

Most cases of laryngitis happen because of stress in the vocal mechanism.

Of course, there are sometimes medical reasons, so if it lasts forever, see your doctor. I’m not a doctor. 🙂

You can take control of your voice. You don’t have to speak in your throat! It takes some training but you can learn to speak by letting your voice take a ride of the air.

Speech and voice are merely air molecules vibrating. Embrace that & you’ll find your way.

7 thoughts on “How to Stop Losing Your Voice”

  1. Thanks for the useful tips. We don’t learn these things in school (which is a shame), which hold us back when we start our careers. Your posts are very helpful and informative. Thanks 🙂

      1. Woahh what a good article, I just loved the points that are mentioned in this article like how ,why I m losing my voice and then the solutions for it, the helpful tips given in this article, overall a very informative article 👍

  2. I always lose my voice! I read this article about a week ago and I’m really glad I found it again. I’ve been trying to relax my throat and for the first time, I realize that I do have so much tension in there! It’s crazy. I have a crazy hectic schedule, I’m always busy so I guess that makes my muscles tense. And the really shocking thing is that I had no idea I was clearing my throat all the time. But I was talking about your article with a friend/colleague and I mentioned that I don’t clear my throat. And then I could tell by his face that he didn’t agree with me! So I made him tell me! He said I do it all the time! Now I’m becoming aware of it. And I’m annoying myself with it. Why do I do it before I say anything?

    1. I’m proud of you for doing this work on your own Kathryn. It’s tough with a busy schedule. It’s tough without a busy schedule because we attach so much emotion to our communication skills. I’d love to help you! Let’s get you set up for a free consultation.

  3. OMG! DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW LONG I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR SOMETHING THAT ACTUALLY HELPS ME? Finally a work of God. I have followed your tips and they really helped me soothe my larynx and getting my voice back. Thank you so very much

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