I’ve been training people to speak successfully for many years, and one thing I know is this: public speaking brings you success and tells the world that you’ve arrived.
The world needs to hear your message, and you need to be successful! This is an introduction to a series of posts revealing the insider’s secrets for you to become a paid public speaker.
Public speaking demonstrates your expertise. It cements your professional credibility. And the act of public speaking is the ultimate form of networking and professional development. Without public speaking, your business can’t grow.
So I’ve interviewed some of my friends and colleagues, and I’ll be sharing their wisdom on public speaking over the next few weeks.
Why You Should Start Public Speaking
As omar zenhom says,
“Communication is the mother of all skills. Every time you prepare and rehearse for a public speech, you improve your communication skills. The better you know your material, what you can offer the world, as well as your ability to deliver it, the better off you’ll be as an entrepreneur.
You can be offering people the formula to eternal happiness, but if you can’t communicate it in a way they can comprehend it and put it into action, it’s worthless.”

The world is getting bigger & smaller at the same time. We have more people to reach and more opportunities to reach them. Public speaking gives you those opportunities.
And as Jay Baer said in his interview, ” Every speech is a success story. Doing this for a living is the greatest job in the world that a marginally athletic, not particularly handsome, tone-deaf person could have!”
Talented and funny! “It led to the launch of my first book, The Now Revolution.
And it’s fun.
Public Speaking Brings Joy to Your Career
According to my friend and best-selling author David JP Fisher from Rockstar Consulting,
“Speaking professionally is fantastic, and I’m glad that it’s the career I chose. There are so many benefits, but when someone comes to you and tells you you’ve changed their life–that makes it all worthwhile.”
Now is the time to start your speaking career! You need to start speaking to help others & at the same time help yourself. Your message is essential.
Some of My Favorite Tips from the Experts
I’ve interviewed the public speaking experts. In this article I’m sharing some of their tips. My future posts will feature each expert’s secrets to becoming a well paid public speaker.
For 25 years Jane Atkinson has been training people to be wealthy public speakers. And she reveals her #1 tip to us:
“Pick a lane. Become known for 1 thing. Then you become the expert.”
I don’t think I have to explain that! And if you don’t know your topic, figure it out by speaking. Start at toastmasters or find local not-for-profits who are looking for speakers. Think about what you’re passionate about & what you’re an expert in. Keep talking about it so you can really find the core message.
Walter Bond was in the NBA and had his own TV show on the Food Network. He is now a powerhouse motivational speaker & has this advice for us:
“Get a coach. And if you can’t afford a coach get a mentor. You must make an investment.”
Walter says he spent about $1000 training to be a professional public speaker. He says it’s a small investment for an amazingly lucrative career.
Inspirational Speaker, Coach, & World Blind Golf Champion (how amazing is that!) has this advice for you:
“While a speaker gives hundreds of presentations, each audience hears it just once, so treat each presentation as though it was your only one. Audience members don’t remember the content as much as how the speaker made them feel – make them feel special.”
What Crimes are Getting You Interrupted, Micromanaged, and Ignored?
The Business of Professional Public Speaking
How to Improve Your Communication Skills at Work
Dr. Michelle Mazur gets you speaking publicly. That’s what she does. Here’s a sweet tip from Michelle:
“Pitch before you think you’re ready. You don’t need the perfect website, sizzle reel, or one-sheet to start pitching. All you need is a great speech to pitch and your pitch letter. The sooner you start pitching, the sooner you’ll book a speaking gig.”
My amazing friend Laurie Ruettimann is a Forbes top 100 blogger & international public speaker. She says:
“Great speakers are great thinkers and writers. You must have a blog, or at the very least, have an online presence on LinkedIn or Medium where you’re sharing ideas on a regular basis.”

9 Secret Steps to Influencing Others
Want to be more influential? We all want to communicate our most important messages in a way that encourages others to take action. Whether that action is voting for our candidate or picking up milk from the store, the words we use and how we speak play a huge role in getting the job done.
You’re always thinking, aren’t you? Be sure to write it down–even in the middle of the night. Keep homing in on your ideas and make sure they’re available for people to see.
Get What You Want With More Persuasive Speaking
Stay tuned the next few weeks! We’ve got interviews from these experts & more. All with advice about how you can become a highly paid public speaker.
Tell me what you’d like to know about public speaking. Leave a comment! Let me know if you have questions or suggestions! I need to know! 🙂
I can’t wait for the interviews, they’re bound to be full of great tips and helpful information. Here, I especially liked Dr. Michelle Mazur’s advice to pitch before you’re ready. Sometimes, getting ahead of yourself can be a good thing.
I think knowing how to do public speaking is so important. I find that when I speak publicly without preparation, i stumble on my words, chop up my sentences and don’t sound as convincing as I can. With help from Ita, i’ve learned from the ground up how to take my words and become a convincing speaker. As much as I hate to do it, I know breaking down my sentences and finding the emphasis on the important words makes all the difference. I can’t wait to see whats next to come on the blog!!!
I’ve always had a difficult time speaking in public. Giving presentations is hard for me. I’d really love to learn how to speak better in public.